As our state and country reopens we are delighted to let our readers and advertisers know that while this June edition will only be available online, we plan to begin printing again with a July (and a special August edition) delivered to the mailboxes of all Suffield residents. Of course, we have added special protocols for safety, limiting the number of people in the office at any one time to allow proper spacing. So, if you need to come to the office, you will need to wear a mask and our “business” may, at busy times, need to be done in the hallway. We know you will understand and thank you in advance for your cooperation. And, for those of you who now prefer to receive the Suffield Observer online, we will continue to publish the online version as well.
As always, we encourage you to submit articles, opinion pieces, pictures and Letters to the Editor by email to: Share with your neighbors what you did during the quarantine, what you learned, what opinion you have as to how our local leaders handled the difficult problems, as well as anything else that may be on your mind. We will also accept pictures relating to the quarantine, whether they are a chalk drawing on the sidewalk or pictures of a local parade. (Depending on submissions, some pictures may only appear online.) The deadline of the 15th of the month applies to all submissions.
Advertisers are encouraged to share their current status and future plans with its local customers. As always, you can communicate with Ann, with the customary deadline of the 10th of the month, by sending emails to,.
Lastly, we remind everyone that while things are most definitely looking up, we are not out of the woods yet. It is important that everyone do their best to comply with applicable health recommendations, including wearing masks and honoring social distancing in public. And, while we can all be proud of how our community has rallied during the past two months (seems longer, no?) please continue to be kind to each other as we make it through this pandemic as a community.