Congratulations to Katheryn DiStefano and Anna Washburn, who received the North Central Act of Kindness Award (NCAOK) for the months of April and May, respectively. The NCAOK Award is designed to honor students who regularly display redeeming qualities like civic awareness, commitment, kindness and care towards others. The NCAOK Award recognizes leadership and commitment, rather than scholastics or athletics. Each student honored is given a personalized award plaque for their good deeds, a donation is made in their name to a charitable organization of their choice, and they are recognized in front of their peers and parents during a monthly gathering to celebrate. Katheryn was nominated by Ms. Kim Radziewicz who said, “Katheryn is one of the most welcoming, open and honest students I have ever met. She has an almost magical way of making everyone in our classroom feel incredibly welcome, heard and important.”
Anna Washburn was nominated by Ms. Brittany Whiteley who said, “Anna is the kindest individual. Every day Anna makes students in class feel like they matter. This is so important to feel as a human being. We all want this no matter what we are going through or dealing with. I am proud to be her teacher!”