Selected from the pages of the Windsor Locks Journal and lightly annotated by Wendy Taylor of Kent Memorial Library.
October 7
The annual town meeting Monday was rather out of the ordinary for this town as the voters elected two democratic selectmen, George A. Peckham as first and James B. Rose as third. Erwin E. Stratton was elected as second selectmen, giving the republican party minority representation on the board.
Upon motion of John B. Cannon, it was voted that whenever the selectmen shall call a special town meeting, every voter shall be notified by postal card at least seventy-two hours before said meeting.
A bull moose has been seen on the West Suffield mountain during the past week by several different people. It was seen last Saturday by a party near the Horton cabin above Newgate and was later seen near East Granby.
A two-acre tobacco barn belonging to Harry Zera on the farm recently purchased by Mr. Zera from Nelson Humason, was burned to the ground some time Sunday night. Mr. Zera did not discover his loss until Monday morning, as no one saw the fire… The barn and contents were partially covered by insurance.
October 14
A tobacco shed owned by Bertrand E. Bowker of Boston Neck, with three acres of tobacco owned by Thomas Burke, were destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The fire was discovered by two young men who were driving past, but they were unable to arouse the family as the family watch dog would not let them into the yard. The young men drove to Suffield Center and informed Frank Smith at the fire headquarters and he with two or three other firemen went to the scene with the truck. The loss was partially covered by insurance.
The number of cases of diphtheria about town the past few weeks have caused Health Officer Caldwell to make a careful examination of any throat trouble. This week he has found two carriers of diphtheria which are now under treatment. It is expected that with these cases cleared up no more will appear.
October 21
The Ladies’ Benevolent Society of the Sacred Heart church will hold an entertainment and dance in the Town hall… There will be a program of fancy dancing and singing and refreshments will be served. Music for dancing will be provided by White’s orchestra and the proceeds of the entertainment will be used for church purposes.
October 28
A Hudson touring car ran off the highway on Bridge street… and turned over with the occupants, three men and two children. The number of jugs and bottles that rolled out with the passengers aroused the suspicions of nearby residents and the officers were notified, but before they arrived the occupants had been taken in by a passing automobile and the license numbers of the car had disappeared… Later when the officers went for the car it had disappeared, and the neighbors say that it was taken away by a wrecking crew.
A special meeting of the Village of Suffield [a town center borough] was held in Union hall Monday evening to see what action the village would take in regard to the petition received by the committee for a sidewalk from Spencer’s corner to the Third Baptist church. After considerable discussion among those present, it was voted to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, November 1st, and that a notice of the meeting should be mailed to each tax-payer in the village.
Patrick Sullivan broke his right leg, just above the ankle…while helping to repair a chimney at the boarding house of the American Sumatra Tobacco Company in West Suffield.
The men of the Second Baptist church will give a baked ham supper in the vestry of the church.