With the continued increase in COVID-19 cases, we are requiring masks in our church building as we continue to hold in-person services. Our newsletter, the Weekly Witness, will include any changes to these regulations. To sign up for our newsletter emails and our other emails, contact the church office at office@fcsuffield.org with a request, or visit our Website homepage www.firstchurchsuffield.org, scroll down to “Subscribe” and add your information. Our services are always available on our YouTube page, 10:00 a.m. each Sunday.
First Church is excited to participate in Christmas in Suffield again this year! This church-wide event will take place on Saturday, November 6, 2021, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Vendors, a bake sale, a tag sale, and more- see you there!
Our Missions & Outreach team and our Women’s Fellowship have built a team of volunteers to participate in the Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity – Faith Build on November 13, 2021. This mission day is held in memory of Dean Caswell, a Habitat for Humanity Week Day Saint.
On Sunday, November 21, First Church will be hosting an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at 4:00 p.m. Our Interfaith Thanksgiving service is a collaborative service with other faith leaders throughout Suffield. The service will also be live on YouTube.
Last March, the Church Council supported the forming of a Visioning Task Group, whose task was to explore the visioning and forward-thinking ministry of First Church and what staffing would be needed to do that ministry. Our full Visioning Report is available upon request. We encourage all people to read the report, ask questions, and support our future with generous giving, if possible.
Hands On Faith (HOF) is our interactive, scripture- based, missions-oriented group for children in Kindergarten through 7th Grade. With Covid restrictions, we are utilizing our HOF newsletter format for our youngest members and friends. Our HOF newsletter is available in our Weekly Witness, or directly to your email through a request in the church office. This newsletter is a great way to engage our youngest in faithful fun and discussion.
We have different Faith Circle opportunities each Thursday this year: Reflection, Hiking, Reading and Walking. Faith Circles allow us to grow closer to God and one another. Jesus longs for us to not just be part of the church, but to be passionate about the church, its people and its mission. Contact office@fcsuffield.org to sign up or learn more information on our Faith Circles.
Rev. Diann continues to offer Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. each week via Zoom. The group will be studying First Corinthians: Searching the Depths of God by Jaime Clark-Soles. Contact Rev. Diann senior@fcsuffield.org to join.
Our Blessing Box has been utilized quite often since its installment! It is located in front of First Church on High Street, and is open to our neighbors and community members to “take what you need; leave what you can”. We encourage our community to donate what they can to the Blessing Box. Help us to keep the box stocked and support those in need.
First Church hosts numerous support groups in our building for their meetings. We ask that anyone entering First Church wear a mask. We have various support groups through NA, FA & AA available at First Church. Contact us for the full list of meetings.
If you have further questions, please call the church office and leave a message. Our staff and Minister are ready to assist you or provide information as needed.
God bless and stay safe!