Our 25th anniversary year is over. We hope you enjoyed our “trip down memory lane” with the Observer.
For the last ten months, we have highlighted Observer history by starting with a group photo of the original volunteers and outlining how the paper is processed, creating a column on monthly front page headlines over the years, featuring interesting articles by long term volunteers, selecting classic “Moment in Time ”photos , using our trivia section for Observer trivia only and writing articles on our long term advertisers who have supported us for 25 years.
The Suffield Observer is truly a unique community paper which Sam Fuller created in his garage in 1999 and nurtured until he passed in 2016. Sam organized the paper to cover town news as well as news from community organizations. The paper is comprised of the following columns featured monthly: The First Selectman Update, Suffield Community Aid, Kent Memorial Library, Suffield Senior Center, Suffield Garden Club and Suffield Parks & Recreation. All these columns keep you informed on town activities happening every month.
In addition, several volunteers offered their own columns. From the beginning, Lester Smith created a history section with “100 Years Ago” column and “A Moment in Time” legendary photos. Bob Warren created “Food For Thought” column which is still thriving today. Mary Anne Zak created a column called “Now and Then” with a variety of topics covered. Linda Rodgers wrote a “Through the Looking Glass” column on diverse issues. Andy Sauer currently writes a “Suffield Observations” column on interesting observations in Suffield. Finally, the paper has a very popular “Where in the World is the Observer” section which has vacation photos of our residents with the Observer all over the world.
The Suffield Observer has evolved throughout the years, and we think Sam would be pleased with its longevity and the current format – he always wanted color in the paper. We wish he was here to celebrate this milestone with us.
Overall, The Suffield Observer is doing well thanks to the support of the community. Our commitment to you is to continue to strive to publish a high-quality paper for you to enjoy for the next 25 years and longer.