Selectman Harrington Responds
Dear Editor,
In the latest Observer, there were two letters dredging up an issue that I thought we had addressed.
I thought hard about whether I should respond to these letters, but I feel compelled to speak up.
First, my accuser claims she simply followed my employer’s instruction and “put [her] question in writing.” This is the actual submission she made to my employer (edited to fit LTE word limit):
“I am concerned about a judicial state employee possibly using her state computer for business other than state business. Her name is Kathleen B Harrington… I believe that she created documents for the Kent Memorial Library Commission on her state computer. . . . If this is indeed taking place, I find it personally offensive that a person in her position would be doing this. Somehow, I hold an attorney to a higher standard, although no state employee should be doing this.”
As a former State employee, she should have known that I could have been terminated for her accusations.
Second, she requested the results of the investigation but did not inform the public that: “There is no evidence to support that Harrington created these documents on a Judicial Branch computer, or while on Judicial Branch time. As a result, the allegations are not substantiated.”
Third, listen to my comments during the 4/3/2024 Board of Selectmen meeting and decide for yourself who is guilty of engaging in “false narratives” as alleged by the Democratic Town Committee Chairman.
Kathie Harrington
Member, Board of Selectmen
Seward Johnson Art Trail
Dear Editor,

Sandy and Joe Plourde
My wife, Sandy, and I decided to follow the Art Trail recently. We stopped at all six statues and enjoyed the lifelike sculptures. The detail of these bronze figures is truly remarkable. We took pictures of each other at each stop. At the Library stop (Just a Taste) we met another couple and had them take our picture. The information sheet provided at the town’s website made the experience more enlightening. An article in the Observer would help make more people aware of this Art Trail.
Joe Plourde