Dear Editor,
July 4th, I reflected on the birth of our nation in 1776, when thirteen colonies declared independence from the British Empire. In 1782, the Bald Eagle was placed at the center of the Great Seal of the United States and is the symbol of America.
Fast forward to February 2024, the slow slaughter I witnessed when nesting eagles were molested and disturbed by a homeowner constantly burning wood, trash, leaves, plastics and garbage less than 100 feet from the nest with a high fire level danger and due east wind blowing at the nest. Adults would flee the nest in distress. Babies once hatched, couldn’t flee.
I filed a formal complaint with eleven Town and State officials trying to make the smoke and fires stop, to no avail. I continued to complain and was threatened with legal action while burning continued. Consequently, two baby eaglets died.
CT DEEP lists Eagles as a ‘State Threatened Species’. Eagles are protected by State and Federal laws. All who could do something, did nothing. As I pursue justice, my Freedom of Information request is stonewalled. Is this how we treat our national bird and their young?
US Fish & Wildlife Service agents are now involved. The nest will be scrutinized with fines and jail time levied against law breakers, if caught, but Agents can’t be everywhere at all times. Please help.
The nest did not fail, we failed the nest.
They couldn’t breathe.