October at First Church of Christ, UCC

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First Church of Christ, Congregational UCC is an open and affirming congregation within the United Church of Christ. We invite everyone to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., either in-person or via our YouTube livestream.

Regardless of who you are or where you are on your life’s journey, YOU are welcome here. Come as you are, for this is God’s house—a house of prayer for all, where God embraces everyone who enters!
Our Sunday morning worship services continue with a lineup of guest preachers sharing insights from the pulpit as our Senior Minister, the Rev. Diann H Bailey, is on sabbatical.

On Sunday, October 8, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday, a time when Christians from diverse cultures come together to break bread and share the cup, uniting us as one body of believers. All are invited to the table. We are honored to welcome Rev. Mia J. Douglas that Sunday, a spiritual leader, artist advocate and life coach, who inspires individuals to cultivate lives filled with passion, purpose and power.

On October 17, our Women’s Fellowship team will host their fall event, “Wine, Cheese, and a Good Book, Please!” at 7 p.m. in the E. Gay Room. We encourage you to read Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy and join us for a lively discussion facilitated by Caroline Martin and Elizabeth Kaplan. These book chats have gained popularity over the years, so feel free to invite a friend for an evening filled with laughter and fellowship!

** On Friday, October 18, Concert for a Cause presents Bobby Joe Valentine in a live concert at 7:30 p.m. at First Church.

This concert series aims to provide free performances while encouraging goodwill donations to support various missions or organizations. Bobby Joe Valentine’s music transcends genre, featuring thoughtful, spiritually focused lyrics and catchy melodies that resonate with listeners from all walks of life. His poetic storytelling and spiritual emphasis have garnered numerous awards and a devoted following nationwide. Donations collected during this concert support The Trevor Project. **

Stay updated on upcoming events, information, and music at First Church by subscribing to our newsletter, The Weekly Witness, available online www.firstchurchsuffield.org.

The Blessing Box, located right in front of First Church, is open to our neighbors and community members, encouraging you to “take what you need; leave what you can.” We invite community donations, but please refrain from giving leftover foods, items requiring refrigeration, or expired goods.

First Church also hosts support groups for NA, Families Anonymous, and AA meetings in our building. Contact us for a complete list of meetings.

Our church office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you need an in-person appointment, please reach out to the church office at office@fcsuffield.org. Voicemails and emails will be reviewed daily. Please note that our Church Office will be closed in observance of Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 14.

For questions, general inquiries, or pastoral needs, feel free to contact the church office or leave a message at 860-668-7223. We are here to assist you and provide information and support regarding First Church. God bless!

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