What SCA is Spotlighting this Month
SCA Is Welcoming a New Executive Director!
The Suffield Observer (
What if transportation was not an issue in getting to your destination on nights and weekends when the Mini-Bus is not operating?
Parkinson’s Peer Support Group Welcomes Dr. de Marcaida!
Are You Grieving the Loss of a Loved One? Suffield Community Aid’s Bereavement Support Group Can Help. The group will meet at SCA located at 450 South Street, Suffield on Friday mornings from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning March 22 and ending on May 17.
Did you know that the money that is raised through the Salvation Army Kettle Drive stays in Suffield to support various programs for persons in need? The kettle will be at the Subway/Dunkin Donut plaza on Mountain Road several weekend days in December.
School Supply Collection Needs Your Help:
We are already starting to collect for the “Return-to-School Backpack Program” to assist low-income school age children in Suffield. Spiral notebooks, one-inch three-ring binders, pencils, pens, calculators, ear buds, page dividers, rulers, glue sticks, glue, erasers, pencil sharpeners, highlighters, scissors, index cards, folders, ruled paper, and pencil pouches are needed.
What’s happening at the EAA this Month? Rental Rebate Program for Elderly & Disabled Kicks Off Another Year
State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or totally disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits.
What’s Happening at the EAA This Month? James F. Coggins, Jr. Community Service Award Open to Applicants:
In memory of our late volunteer and Board Member, James F. Coggins, Jr., the EAA offers a $1,000 award to a graduating Suffield High School senior who demonstrates selflessness, generosity and concern for the community through his/her volunteer activities.
In memory of our late volunteer and Board Member, James F. Coggins, Jr., the EAA offers a $1,000 award to a graduating Suffield high school senior who demonstrates selflessness, generosity and concern for the community through their volunteer activities.
The Suffield Garden Club donates beautiful floral arrangements every February through their “Posies to Go” program for residents that are on Meals-On-Wheels.