A Visit to Suffield’s Police Department Dispatcher

By invitation of Captain Christopher McKee and in support of National Public Safety Telecommunications Week, I spent three hours with Suffield Police Dispatcher, Lorraine Morelli. This visit demonstrated to me the seriousness and expertise of police dispatchers.  Between calls, she was able to offer basic explanations of all the technical equipment used by the dispatchers.  I felt fortunate to be observing an expert at work.

It Takes The Village

What has existed in Suffield for 42 years, has 129 volunteers, and sells and donates clothing, collectibles, and linens? The Second Chance Shop!

Your Vote Counts

It seems to go without saying that a November, 2016 edition of any newspaper would contain articles about the election, occurring eight days from now.

Tom Deupree’s View of Life

I was busy in the backroom of Suffield’s Second Chance Shop, going through donations made to the shop, when I answered a knock on the backdoor. A tall man identified himself as Tom Deupree and said he had items for donation.