Candidate Debate
Sponsored by The Suffield Observer, with the Democratic and Republican Town Committees.
The Suffield Observer (
Sponsored by The Suffield Observer, with the Democratic and Republican Town Committees.
If ever there was a man who knew the meaning of the word “dedication’ it would have to be Retired Major General Thaddeus Martin of the Connecticut National Guard.
The Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) is pleased to announce that Condé Nast Traveler released the results of its 31st annual Readers’ Choice Awards with Bradley International Airport recognized as the 3rd best airport in the U.S.
The staff of the Observer was generally happy with the October issue. We thought it had a variety of interesting articles and some beautiful pictures.
If we were to list the many values of our beautiful town of Suffield, we could probably fill the pages of this newspaper. Our wonderful citizens, great schools, lovely buildings and churches, parks, local businesses and emergency services are all special.
Are you looking for an incredible opportunity to help those in your own community? One that provides an opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and help those in need?
Contact us at or 860-668-7442 if you are interested in joining our team of volunteers.
There will be a Veterans’ Day Ceremony at the Suffield’s Veterans’ Memorial on Sunday, November 11 at 11 a.m. honoring those military who have served our country.
The Town’s process toward providing decent quarters for its administrative departments has been long and uncertain. The existing Town Hall opened in 1962 as an improvement on the previous building, which was built during the Civil War.
“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” – Mark Twain