Dire Ultimatum Delivered, Litigant Withdraws
It may not have been a total surprise, but the letter was still distressing to over 70 residents of the South Pond neighborhood accessed by Lake Road.
The Suffield Observer (
It may not have been a total surprise, but the letter was still distressing to over 70 residents of the South Pond neighborhood accessed by Lake Road.
Four Season Farm, with a seven-acre greenhouse operation in Wallingford, may break ground this spring on a large facility in Suffield.
In support of our goals to increase substance abuse awareness in the Suffield community and to provide information on prevention and available help resources, the Suffield Local Prevention Council (SLPC) will sponsor a Public Forum on March 30 at 7 p.m. in the Suffield Middle School auditorium.
By now, most people have heard that this will be an especially difficult budget year for state legislators in Hartford.
The Observer was overwhelmed this past month with the generosity of so many individuals who donated to the Robert O.Y. Warren III scholarship fund in memory of Bob.
Robert Mueller of West Suffield tells four interested visitors about the small, multi-colored eggs his quails produce, which he was selling at the Suffield Farmers Market on January 28 in the Suffield High School Commons.
Early one morning Suffield police officers responded to a complaint of two suspicious individuals going door to door trying to sell dairy products.
During the peak intensity of the short storm, a contracted plower clears a town road and closes the photographer’s driveway.