100-Year-Old Hastings Farm Honored by State

Members of the Hastings family went down to Hamden on August 7 to attend Plant Science Day at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station’s Lockwood Farm, near Sleeping Giant State Park. This is a big, yearly event, with lectures and demonstrations and meetings with experts, but this year’s highlight was when the family’s well-known Suffield farm on Hill Street was presented with the 2019 Connecticut Century Farm Award.

New Owner for Suffield by the River

As owner and, until now, executive director of the well-regarded facility at 7 Canal Road, Celia Moffie is selling the place to LCB Senior Living, LLC. As this issue of the Observer goes to press, the sale is scheduled to close on August 31.


True creative output comes from within and cannot be squeezed out by force. No school assignment could set off the same eruption of raw creative passion that I experience through accepting my sporadic impulse to write; to allow my ideas to surface and to watch them climb into the vessel of articulated language.

Pay to Play

With the incoming school year commencing August 29, Suffield High School students will be forced to make some financial adjustments. That is, if they want to continue and/or take up playing a sport.

New Fire Trucks

It was March 2017 when the Town voted to approve $2.8 M in bonding for the purchase of three new fire trucks, replacing others that had become too old to keep safely in service. Rescue 1 was delivered this year in May.

Time To Get Political

Sooner than you think – we are all going to be voting again! So, it’s the perfect time to volunteer for a local political organization and really get to know the candidates and issues.

Democrat Town Caucus

Suffield Democrats met at a caucus on July 22 at the Suffield Volunteer Ambulance Association to consider endorsing candidates for the November town elections. A full room of 50 or more people attended and gave enthusiastic and unanimous support for an excellent slate of candidates.