First Selectman’s Update

Melissa Mack

I find it helpful every election cycle to reflect on the prior year and ask, why am I doing this job and what do I want to accomplish? The answer is always simple – to improve Suffield’s governance practices as best I can.

First Selectman’s Update

I begin with a sincere apology. To all who made it a point on Memorial Day to attend the parade and ceremony as a heartfelt way to show your deep gratitude to our fallen servicemen; and in particular to our honored veterans; I am sorry for the poor sound system that left many unable to hear the meaningful speeches given.

First Selectman’s Update

In my March column, I detailed my vision for a vibrant Town Center and Suffield’s fiscal independence through commercial development, necessitating moving the Town Highway Garage. Now we’re knee deep in spring, and what better time to get into the weeds of the relocation?

First Selectman’s Update

The month of March may have come in like a lamb weather-wise, but for Town business it’s been more like a lion! As outlined in my last two columns, there’s been a simultaneous focus on Kent Memorial Library, economic development of Ffyler Place/ the Town Garage/ Town Center Village District and Town Hall.

First Selectman’s Update

One of my favorite leisure activities – working on puzzles – has proven an invaluable asset in this job. The many Town initiatives I am eager to see to fruition are like a puzzle; the big picture requires all the smaller pieces to fit together.

First Selectman’s Update

In October, I joined town leaders from across the state and attended productive workshops at the annual Connecticut Conference of Municipalities (CCM) convention. Given the State’s financial woes, much of the focus centered on how towns can better position themselves for impending cuts to municipal aid.