Time for Financial Independence
Over the last year there has been a reoccurring conversation topic among my friends: when do we start passing expenses to our children?
The Suffield Observer (https://thesuffieldobserver.com/category/opinion/editorial/page/2/)
Over the last year there has been a reoccurring conversation topic among my friends: when do we start passing expenses to our children?
As a student involved in the music program in Suffield Public Schools, I have found out about the opportunities offered to music students.
When we built our home in Suffield, we cleared just enough land for the house and the septic field.
Are the plastic, metal, glass, boxes and paper you collect for curbside pickup being thrown out as trash at the recycling facility?
Three and half years ago I moved to Suffield to live with my fiancé, who has been a lifelong Suffield resident.
I was reminiscing about my younger years recently and how different my childhood was compared to today’s.
Book challenges and bans in public and school libraries and school curriculums are sweeping across our nation.
Like any new innovation, there are pros and cons. Depending on how it’s used it can be extremely helpful or very harmful.
In New England towns the seasons are usually clearly defined, almost delineated, even when one seems to flow easily into another. This year has been an anomaly; summer seemed to go on forever.
My son texted me the other day and shared with me the two charities he chose to provide meals to those in need this Thanksgiving.