Indoor Pickleball Comes to Suffield
Aided by the generous offer of free play by the owners, players young and old came from far and wide in droves to the Grand Opening weekend of Suffield Pickleball.
The Suffield Observer (
Aided by the generous offer of free play by the owners, players young and old came from far and wide in droves to the Grand Opening weekend of Suffield Pickleball.
A soon-to-be classic pickleball tournament is scheduled for February 9 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the newly opened Suffield indoor pickleball facility at 15 Kenny Roberts Memorial Drive.
Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
To say Griffin Mandirola has hit his stride would be both a pun and a tremendous understatement.
In keeping with its mission to fund innovative programs that promote excellence and enhance the educational experience of Suffield students, the Suffield Foundation for Excellent Schools (SFES) approved almost $12,000 for three exciting grants at its January 2024 meeting.
After a three year delay due to COVID, the Suffield Foundation for Excellent Schools (SFES) will induct its Class of 2020 into the SFES Hall of Honor.
When I first heard that my neighbor and local small business owner Dan McCoy ran the World Marathon Challenge (WMC), I thought it (and he!) were crazy.
To highlight the experiences and contributions Blacks have made in American history since colonial times, President Gerald Ford proclaimed in 1976, and Congress passed a public law in 1986, designating February as Black History Month.
For this summer, Spaulding Elementary and McAlister Intermediate Schools will be joining forces to participate in a “One Book One Community” read.
It’s no surprise to anyone at this point that COVID has devastated many things. Unfortunately, the SFES major fundraiser, our dinner dance auction, has not been held for the last two years and will unlikely to be held this year.