Designing For the Holidays

The Suffield Garden Club is pleased to announce that Myron Marshaus, artistic designer, will be demonstrating his unique approach to floral design on December 5 at 11 a.m. at Second Baptist Church in Suffield. Photo by Lisa Parker Artistic designer Myron Marshous shows one of his unique creations.

Suffield Garden Club Celebrates the Legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted

The Suffield Garden Club will present “Then & Now: The Importance and Relevance of Frederic Law Olmsted” by Leslie Martino at 6:30 p.m. on November 7 at the Kent Memorial Library. Martino, a landscape designer and historian, will help us celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Frederick Law Olmsted, considered the father of American landscape architecture.

Celebrating Summer Gardens, A Tour

A highlight of the summer season, Suffield Garden Club is presenting a garden tour, “Celebrating Summer Gardens,” on July 16 from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Five private gardens about town and the gardens of the historic Hatheway House and Hilltop Farm will be open to visitors. The tour will feature unique gardens, such as a glorious two-acre property with walls of towering twelve-foot hydrangeas and hundreds of juniper, yew and boxwood.

Tree Care & Pruning Workshop

Michael Feli, an arborist with Bartlett Tree Experts, will be our guide in this hands-on program to be held on Saturday, June 11.

Baby Trees Distributed Again

For the 57th year since the establishment of the custom, members of the Suffield Garden Club observed Arbor Day by distributing seedling trees provided by the Club’s Vallery Gallivan Tree Fund to all the Suffield fourth grade students.