Not Quite Yet

The optimistic headline on the front page, above the fold of the April 2016 edition of the Observer, was “Library Looks to Open Soon.” The main obstacle to reopening was reported to be one key air quality test.

Minerals Shown at KML

Jack Marcy, president of the Connecticut Valley Minerals Club, sets out a deposit of pyrite in the big display he assembled for a February 3 display at the temporary Kent Memorial Library.

Health Effects of Roundup

The Institute Of Sustainable Nutrition (TIOSN) will bring two world-class research scientists to our area to present information about the effects of Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate.

Superintendent’s Update

Anxiety affects nearly one third of both children and adults according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

2017 Congressional App Challenge

Congressman Joe Courtney announced that seniors Marissa Guzzo and Alexandra Smith, along with sophomore Gianna Guzzo from the Academy of Aerospace and Engineering High School were the winners of the 2017 Congressional App Challenge.