Suffield Remembers

Hundreds of Suffieldians applauded the town’s traditional Memorial Day parade (on May 27 this year) and enjoyed the pomp and ceremony at Veteran’s Park – and those who could hear appreciated what was said. For those not standing close to the Veterans Memorial and the loudspeakers: the ceremony differed in several ways from the usual.

Newest Nonprofit in Town Will Change Lives

Partnering to Reach Aspirations now has tax exempt status and aims to transition recent graduates with mild Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from student life to independent living. An Amiel P. Zak Public Service Grant will help provide educational opportunities to Suffield residents, educators and business leaders in order to better understand the strengths and needs of our young adults on the spectrum and provide them opportunities to pursue their strengths and interests.

Cpl. Bixler Well Remembered

On Memorial Day weekend, another big gathering assembled at the Sportsmen’s Cabin on West Suffield Mountain to honor our hometown hero, Cpl. Stephen Bixler, USMC, who lost his life protecting his Marine comrades on patrol in Iraq 13 years ago. As always, the annual picnic was an enjoyable affair, with plenty of good food, soda and beer, and happy sociability.

Doyon Race Doubles the Net

The second annual Dustin L. Doyon Memorial Road Race was held at Suffield Middle School on May 25. The main events began with a new 10K run up Hill Street almost to Halladay Avenue and back.

Churchgoers to be Uplifted

Folks who visit Suffield’s First Congregational Church will soon be offered an uplift that has been missing, no matter how moving the sermon might be. Recognizing the building’s role as a significant community venue as well as a place of worship, the church plans to install an elevator.