Stomp Fundraiser

For the fifth year, the barn and grounds of the historic Phelps-Hatheway House & Gardens will be transformed into a Texas-style hoedown by the Stomp Out Cancer fundraiser on May 19. The fundraiser, locally referred to as Stomp, raises funds for non-profits that focus on cancer treatment and research.

Town Hall Contractors Selected

As reported last month, the bid requests for renovating and slightly expanding the Suffield Town Hall were published in late February, with a response date of March 21. Seven architects and three construction contractors responded and participated in the mandatory walk-through.

Star Award goes to Craig Cooke

Craig Cooke, a Suffield resident, has been named the 2019 Outstanding School Superintendent by the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education Alumni Board. Cooke was recognized on March 16 at the Neag School’s 21st Annual Alumni Awards Celebration in Storrs, Conn.

Survivor Journeys Host 2nd Annual Cancer Survivorship Workshop

Survivor Journeys, a community based support network of professionals who provide free services to cancer survivors and caregivers in western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut, is hosting its second annual workshop on Saturday June 8, at Max’s Tavern Conference Room in the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield.

Assessor Filing Deadline

The Assessor’s Office would like to remind homeowners that the filing period for the State Elderly/Disabled Homeowner’s Tax Relief Program will end on Wednesday, May 15.