Flash Parade Rules Planned

One of the many subjects reported in the lengthy minutes (22 pages) of the May 6 virtual meeting of the Board of Selectmen was the recent informal parades that have been held in honor or in recognition of individual residents.

Bear Cub Visitor

In the afternoon of Thursday, May 14, long-time Suffield residents, Jeb Walton and Jenn DiGennaro watch a bear cub who decided to check out the trees in their backyard on Russell Avenue.

Director’s Corner

Since we closed our physical building in response to COVID-19, staff at the Kent Memorial Library has grappled with working remotely from home, attending webinars and Zoom meetings, expanding networks and becoming part of a broader conversation of what libraries can do during a global pandemic.

First Church News

Due to Covid-19 all in-church events and gatherings, including worship, have been suspended for the summer. We will be continuing worship online throughout the summer months.


Masked and gloved to protect the friends they’re sharing with, Bob and Kerry White pour flour into smaller bags on their West Suffield porch.