One of the weekends that I personally look forward to all year is “Suffield on the Green” weekend and all that it has to offer.

Parks & Rec News

The second summer of the global pandemic-COVID-19 could not stop the good times, smiles, laughter and unforgettable memories that were made again this year at the Suffield Parks and Recreation Department’s summer camps, programs and events.


Register today for our New Summer Running Programs!

Summer 5K Series Back in 2021

The Suffield Parks and Rec. department is excited to announce that the Summer 5K Series at Bruce Park will be back in 2021. This year will feature a new and improved 5-kilometer course, and races will be every Monday at 6 p.m. from June 28 through July 26.

Park Stickers Now Required

Sunrise Park and Babbs Beach now both require park stickers for all Suffield residents in order to access the areas at no charge. Stickers can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s office at 83 Mountain Road during regular business hours.

Spring Has Sprung

After a long winter, Suffield Parks and Recreation is excited to be offering a variety of programming for various ages this spring! From tee ball to tennis, and e-sports to Lego, there is something fun for everyone. Register early as enrollment is limited.

eSports for Gamers Launched

Suffield Parks and Recreation expands its recreational opportunities with the addition of eSports programs. eSports engages video gamers to compete against each other in organized virtual leagues and in-person tournaments.

Bowling Buddies Zoom into the New Year!

The need for community connections and meaningful events and activities has always been essential, but during these challenging and uncertain times during the COVD-19 pandemic, it has become even more vital.

Parks & Rec Made it Work in 2020

As our calendars turn to the final page of 2020, I would like to offer a synopsis of the Parks and Recreation programs and activities during this unique year. We have become familiar with the challenges faced by private and public organizations in performing their traditional functions, and this context is important as one considers the programming offered to our citizens during this period.

Enrichment Program

Peter LeClerc is a busy man these days. In addition to his regular duties as Director of Parks and Recreation here in Suffield, he is also managing a new COVID-related project called S-PREP, shorthand for Suffield Parks and Recreation Enrichment Program.