Voting in CT

On April 7, dozens of voters in Wisconsin contracted COVID-19 when they voted in-person. On November 3, CT residents may risk that outcome.

DTC Support

At our recent Suffield Democratic Town Committee meeting we had a great discussion about voter access for the August presidential primary and November general elections. We voted to approve the following resolution unanimously:

The Country Post-Pandemic

I am 85 years old and have always felt fortunate to have been born and raised in this country where we have the privilege of voting without being threatened, as in some other countries. I voted for the first time in 1955 and have never missed a vote since.

A Response to Mel Chafetz’s Editorial

I read the recent article in the Observer “What do People Mean” with some interest. I am a former resident of Suffield and RTC Chairman but still read the Observer to keep up with Town news.

A Disappointing Choice

During our town’s state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic, I was disappointed to see the Suffield Democratic Town Committee (DTC) take the symbolic action of removing our First Selectman Melissa Mack from its membership. While the DTC was holding its meeting on March 25, the town announced that another resident had tested positive for coronavirus.

Letter to the Editor

As I’ve read the Observer over the years, I have noted that it has become more of an opinion vehicle than an objective source of information.

Letter to the Editor

The dust is settled now on your failed proposal to move the Town Highway Garage and “develop” Ffyler Place. You are quoted in the JI (Jan.29) as saying that “… it appears that Suffield residents believe the highway garage should stay where it is – and aren’t interested in economic development.”