Food For Thought

“There is no teacher equal to mother and there’s nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.” – Amit Ray

Healing Broken Hearts

Earlier in May, former NBA player and recovering addict Chris Herren spoke at an assembly at Suffield High School. It wasn’t the first time he spoke there, but this time, in the parlance of our youth, it just got real.

SPD Review Causes Stir

The Suffield Police Department has been undergoing an internal investigation which was ordered as of January 3, 2019, by Ex-Officio Commissioner, First Selectman Melissa Mack.

Starring Suffield!

Suffield is a wonderful town, and we want to share it with everyone! As a part of our anniversary celebration, the 350th committee is hiring Our Town Films (OTF) to create broadcast quality film about our own town.